مفهوم المفارقة في حكايات كليلة ودمنة لابن المقفع

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


مدرس الأدب العربي القديم كلية الآداب – جامعة قناة السويس، مصر


This research aims at studying the most prominent types of irony in the tales of "Kalila and Dimna". It is an attempt to understand an ancient literary text through a stylistic feature in light of modern criticism, especially that irony iswidely prevalent in these tales. Through the tales, we can see clearly the world of humans masked behind the world of animals. Although they seem to be set far from human reality, they are closely connected to it. Ibn al-Muqaffa'sirony was not born of a transient situation; it is a product of an inner feeling or a private vision through which he looked at life from the perspective of irony, seeing life as a series of paradoxes and contradictions.
The artistic thread connecting most of the tales of "Kalila and Dimna" is that they depend on irony and binary contradictions. Ibn al-Muqaffa used irony to reveal the contradictions of life, and the political and social reality of his time.

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