التأويل النحوي والدلالي بالحذف والتقديم والتأخير في (أضواء البيان) للشيخ محمد الآمين الشنقيطي )دراسة إحصائية وصفية تحليلية) The grammatical and semantic interpretation by deleting, preceding and delaying in “adwa albayan” of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Amin Al-Shanqeeti Analytical descriptive statistical study

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


أستاذ محاضر جامعة ابن خلدون تيارت، الجزائر.


This research is based on the efforts of Shaykh al-Shanqeeti in his explanatory code (adwa
albayan), where he monitors the situations of interpretation by deletion, submission and delay through a
comprehensive statistical study that I have done by surveying the sample in the study. The whole research
was based on the sample analysis which clarifies interpretation by deletion, submission and delay from
two aspects.
In the first aspect: the focus is on the concept of interpretation of the mechanism of deletion and
stands as a deviation from the normal expression level, and its importance lies not to mentioning what is
expected of the word, which leads to move the personality of the recipient intellectually, and make it more
interactive with the text by the work of his mind, and allow the field to imagine, however - we deal with
the Koranic text - do not agree at all what the STYLIST of linking them to the interaction between the
recipient and the text that the lack of transmission is attributable to the recipient to complete it. This study
also shows that the deletion is of Arabs ways in their speech words and thus be an authentic mechanism
and instrumental in the interpretation of the Koranic text.
The second aspect: it shows the contribution of the submission and delay in capturing the
significance of the text. And the major importance of interpretation of the fact that submission and delay is
not without interest in the style of the Arabs as well as in the Holy Quran.
- So, what is deletion, submission and delay in that they are two mechanisms in the approach of
Sheikh Al-Shanqeeti of the Quranic text?
This will be clarified by this humble research, by ALLAH’s willing.

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