التوجيه النحوي للشعر العربي القديم Grammar Guidance for Ancient Arabic Poetry

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


أستاذ محاضر "أ" بقسم اللغة العربية وآدابها المركز الجامعي أحمد بن يحي الونشريس ي – تيسمسيلت الجزائر


The text review process is as old as the text it self. The books of the history of Arabic literature have
told us that Arab scholars were practicing linguistic criticism Before setting rules and setting limits and
controls .They relied on it for individual artistic taste for each of them and their condition that the literary
product does not contradict the words of the Arabs in sound, structure or significance, And were often
looking for excuses for poets If the poets disagree with the Arabs in their words They developed
mechanisms to guide speech Such as saying poetic necessity And a deleted estimate whether it is a letter
or a verb, a noun or phrase, an interpretation of poetry that is not understood, and other mechanisms.

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