الشاعر الشعبي وتسجيل أحداث الثورة الجزائرية ( 1954 - 1962 ) The popular poet and recording The events of the Algerian revolution (1954-1962))

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


المركز الجامعي نور البشير-البيّض الجزائر


Popular poetry accompanied the Algerian revolution since its inception, the poet was depicting her diary in his poetry and poems, which were transmitted by the popular memory from generation to generation, and has become for us historical sources despite its literary nature; because they bear testimonies on a historical period recorded by the poet as a witness to its era and maker of events Sometimes or a narrator about people who made their events and contemporaries.
Based on this vision, this research paper attempts to show the role played by the popular poet in recording the history of the Liberation Revolution, by answering the main problem of the research: How the popular poet recorded the events of the liberation revolution?
In order to answer this problem and its sub-problems, we have divided this research paper into axes in which the theoretical framework deals with the relationship of the popular poet to the revolution in the historical method, and research in the temporal and spatial context, that creates the environment that affects the creator Poetry in which the popular poet recorded the events of the Liberation Revolution.

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