الموروث الكنسي بين الرواية العربية والرواية الغربية " ثيماته الموضوعية، وبناه الفنية" The Theologian Heritage Between the Arabic and Western Novel

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


أستاذ بقسم اللغة العربية كلية التربية - جامعة دمنهور جمهورية مصر العربية


This study tries to discover the relations of intertextuality which are based on the theologian heritage of
the eastern church between Yossof Zidan's novel which is called ' Azazel' and two other foreign novels, the
first of the two novels is called 'Thais' which was written by Anatole France and the second novel is called
‘The name of the Rose‘ which was written by Umberto Eco.

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