اللفظة العربية القديمة بين الدلالة المعجمية وكفاءة الإيحاء النصي Old Arabic pronunciation between the lexical significance and the efficiency of scriptual inspiration

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


University of ashahid ahmed draya, Adrar Algeria


The claim of some modern scholars, that the field of modern linguistics with its fingerprint and its roots in the West is not disputed by anyone .. !! It needs a well-thought-out response to the ancient Arabic linguistic heritage, and needs a broad briefing on what this cognitive tide has made of distinct artistic, scientific and cognitive characteristics.
Do we deny and go beyond a well-established scientific fact that the semantic content of the vocabulary of ancient Arabic lexicons bears clear indications of the entrenchment of the thought of the textual interplay between the problematic signs of the formulas and structures of this distinct language?
Based on the necessity of knowing the origins and facts of this paradox, this research aims to establish in the reader's hands a collection of the original Arabic lexicon vocabulary, which indicates the presence of a linguistic sense that deals with the linguistic phenomenon beyond the concept of lexical content in its partial structure. On the concept of the interpretation of parts of the text in its overall structure, taking into account the requirements of the linguistic context in overcoming the overlap of similar semantics.

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