سيكولوجية البطل في مسرحية "أهل الكهف " لتوفيق الحكيم Psychology of the Hero In the play "the people of the cave" Written by: Tawfeeq Al-Hakeem

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


PhD. Researcher, Arabic Literature Centre universitaire BELHADJ Bouchaib Ain Temouchent Algeria


This research studies the concept of the great man through a critical reading in the text of
the famous play (the people of the cave) written by Tawfeeq Alhakeem, the known Egyptian
author who was famous for intellectual writing to the theatre.
This research tries to look for the deep meanings by studying the psychological levels of
the hero in the play and his thoughts which were based on the idea of death and rebirth in the
Quranic studies.

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